Language classes
- Animals
- City life (traffic)
- Contribution to discussion – The argumentative part
- Education: “Exams Should be Abolished”
- In the end there’s always love
- Lexical level of language
- Living Health: ‘‘Not to Go on a Diet“
- Modern technologies
- Mysteries
- Planet issues. Disasters.
- Rhetoric Style – speech
- The Media: “Chat sites are bad for young people“
- Transport
- War and peace. Under certain circumstances war is perfectly justifiable.
- World Realism – Anna Karenina
Natural science
- Area formula of a triangle
- Determiners – exercise
- Nuclear energy
- Solar System
- Vaccination: “pros” and “cons”
- Viruses and Antiviruses
Social studies
- Be aware, not dependent!
- Business ethic
- Cabinet meeting
- Conscientious Objector
- Crawl for power and wealth
- European Parliament
- Family relationships. Divorce.
- Festivals and celebrations
- Fourth Estate or News Media
- Getting a job
- Militarism and pacifism
- Origins of Democracy
- Pay gap between men and women
- Pluralism
- Puberty – period of change
- Religion
- Sexual minority issues
- Social groups
- Work or not? – rules for underage workers
- World Cultures with the emphasis on China
- Consequences of the Industrial revolution – child labor
- Genocide in the 20th century
- Heritage of the Ancient Culture
- History books are too full
- Iron Curtain
- Napoleon and his time
- World War II